Great to see you're getting close!
pg. 7, Character Classes, Demi-humans include dwarves, elves, and hobfolk. - should include Brownies, Cyclops.
pg. 13, Cleric Spell Progression, uses 0 (hard to read) instead of — like other classes.
pg. 30, Beginning Spells should probably be mentioned in class descriptions.
pg. 65, Dungeon Activities, Find non-magical traps should also be Cyclops 1-2.
pg. 66, Retainers Reaction table is on the previous page (over leaf), not following.
pg. 73, Monster Reactions in the middle of combat sequence, instead of before in pg. 67 Monsters & Surprise, seems out of place.
pg. 90, no Additional Dragon Information table exists.
pg. 146, Traps has many references to health check, reflexes check, instead of Save vs. …
pg. 148, Magic Research seems out of place here. Maybe after Magic?